Sandra Todd Photography

Sandra Todd Photography

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Wild Wyoming ~ Infrared

I sat down in the grass below these rocks to take a rest, eat some lunch, and get a little shelter from the relentless and VERY chilly wind.  The landscapes in the Wyoming desert, reflect the harsh elements that exist there.  Wild and beautiful. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

If Shoes Could Tell a Story...

While traveling on some back roads in southern Utah, I stopped to explore an old abandoned ranch house.  It was like stepping back in time a hundred years.  It made me wonder who had lived and worked here?  What were they like?  Why did they leave?  Then, by the door of one of the out buildings, I found this old pair of leather shoes.  If only they could tell a story...

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Smoke Wing Fairy

I was photographing smoke this morning, in the sunlight coming through the window.  One of the photographs reminded me of a butterfly wing, so I thought "what if I could make wings out of this photo, and layer them on a person"?  This was the end result.  It's fun to try new things and act on creative ideas!  If nothing else, I had an excuse to learn and practice some new techniques.