Sandra Todd Photography

Sandra Todd Photography

Friday, September 18, 2015

Beneath the Water

Beneath the water abstracts.  The colors and textures of the rocks on the bottom of the river, along with the reflections of sky and clouds on the water above.  I also love how the light patterns dance beautifully across the rocks and sand below.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Goldfish for Lunch

This water snake decided to have one of the biggest goldfish from my pond for lunch.  I watched it for at least an hour struggle to swallow the fish tail first.  Finally giving up after it couldn't get past the fins going the wrong way.  Down one goldfish, but it was fascinating to watch!  

Monday, September 7, 2015

Tree in infrared

I just had the sensor in one of my cameras converted to infrared, so I had to try it out on one of my favorite trees.  I think I've found my new obsession?!
This is one of the images that I submitted to the Brigham City, Utah, plein air art competition and exhibition.  If you are in the area, be sure to stop in and check it out.  It will be on exhibit at the museum until Oct. 10, 2015

I just got the exciting news that this image took first place in the photography medium!  

The Uintas

The last light of the sun on the Provo river.
Dad and I found a delicious treat of wild currants and huckleberries.
Lily pads on Butterfly Lake.
One of the waterfalls on the Provo river.

Peaceful reflections.

Just the beginning of my very favorite season!  More beautiful autumn days to come.

Autumn Flowers

I really liked this one in black and white as well, so I decided to share both.  Sometimes its too hard to decide.